
Betts Teams Stableford Tournament Sunday 19th January




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TWILIGHT IS BACK! We are running our Sunday Twilight again for six weeks starting on 10th November and this time it is a 12-hole Ambrose! Tee off between 3.30pm-4pm with prizegiving at 6pm. Teams of 3-6 people, larger groups to tee off 3.30pm. Still only $6 and plenty of bar vouchers for prizes. 

Choice of playing:

-  1, 8, 9 and full back nine

-  10, 11, 14 and full front nine

Must take minimum of two drivers per player. The player whose drive is taken cannot play the second shot. No handicap required and no pre-registration. Grab your mates and come and have a good afternoon of fun in the sun! 





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